Alexis RUIZ

Alexis RUIZ

Hello, my name is

Web Developer &
Esport Enthusiast

I am a passionate coder and designer who loves to create things for internet. Just don't ask me to fix your wifi. That's beyond my abilities.

Online Adventures: My Journey in Web Development

Frontend Hub

My Frontend Hub, get a look at my collection of small project. Each showcasing design, interactivity, and user experience




Kyoto City

I've built a website to highlight Kyoto's charm. Explore Kyoto's beauty and culture through this project.



Weather App

My Weather App, get the current forecast of your chosen location



OpenWeatherMap API,


From Challenges to Triumphs: Heartwarming Case Study Tales

The Canvas Chronicles: Where Ideas Find Graphic Life

Up Toss

A logo made from a Paper Airplane, for an Airplane company or Chat App


This one is for a Rideshare Car Service, inspired by a famous game

Lincoln National Park

Logo made for a fictional National Park

Go Go Gadgeto Tools: My Secret Weapons of Web Design (and more)




Next JS

Framer Motion






Premiere Pro

After Effects

Web Developer by Day, Esport Fan by Night

Hello there! 👋
I‘m Alexis, Web Designer, sometimes creative, full time T1‘s fan. I have a bachelor in Web Design that helped me study HTML, CSS and JavaScript. But wait, there‘s more! I‘ve got a treasure chest of talents, from creating cool visual to video editing.

My journey into creativity started in high school, where I‘ve been cooking up photomontage and video editing for fun. Then after my years of study I start to embrace the power of ReactJS.

I‘ve been on quite the adventure, exploring different corners of the world, and it shaped me both creatively and personally. I‘m always up for a challenge, so if you‘ve got wild ideas, I‘m your trusty companion. Let‘s embark on an epic adventure together! 🌍🧙‍♂️

If you just want to talk about how cool Faker is or any travel advice you can send me DM on my socials. 👍

image of myself the young goat

Ping Me Anytime: I'm Just a Click Away

You can drop me a DM on my socials:

Or, you can drop me an email.
  • SAY HI 👋
  • SAY HI 👋
  • SAY HI 👋